It will be marked with a green check symbol. 这将使用一个绿色的选中标记标识。
For formal use, the variable can be marked with a "#" symbol or "# 1","# 2", and so forth if multiple variables exist in one sentence. 对于正式的使用,如果一个句子中存在多个变量,则变量可以用“”符号(或“1”和“2”等)作为标记。
Labelling-sealed sources must be marked with a radiation warning symbol, and the activity and name of radioactive material involved. 标签-密闭源必须贴有辐射警示,并标有放射性物质的名称和活性。
The front doors on both sides of accessible taxis are conspicuously marked with a symbol that is a combination of the international accessible symbol and an abbreviation of the service enterprise. 无障碍出租汽车在前门两侧统一喷涂专用标志,专用标志由国际无障碍标识和企业简称组合而成。
In the case of type bearings can not be separated, allowing a ring-side at the surface, marked with a symbol of integrity. 对于不可分离型轴承,允许在一个套圈端面上,标上完整的标志。
Its marked symbol in poetry was the creation of social life and the weal and woe of the masses, which was represented by Yuan Jie. 这个变化在诗歌上的一个显著标志,即以元结为代表的写社会人生、写生民疾苦创作倾向的出现。
The natural development of athletic sports in the Federal republic of Germany marked the end of a era as a symbol of politic superiority. 联邦德国竞技体育的自然发展,标志着竞技体育的象征意义宣告结束。
Infiltrated and enlightened by the literary and artistic ideas advocated in the book, Chinese literary circle in the 1920s formed a trend of modernism literature marked by The Symbol of Depression. 受该著所倡导的文艺观的浸润和启发,20世纪20年代的中国文坛形成了一股以《苦闷的象征》为标志的现代主义文艺思潮。
The rise of modern flour industry marked the establishment of modern Harbin industry, since the modern industry is the symbol of regional civilization developing from traditional agricultural times to early modern times. 近代哈尔滨面粉业的兴起标志着哈尔滨近代工业的建立,而近代工业的产生标志着区域文明已从传统的农业时代进入早期现代化时代。
The author describes the war marked with a lot of iconic memory elements, which become lots of vivid memory symbol that will bring readers into a memory of that special period. 《白卫军》中的记忆时空定格在乌克兰内战时期,作者在描述这场战争时留下了许多具有标志性的记忆元素,这些元素成为一个个鲜明的记忆符号将读者带入那段特殊时期的记忆之中。